M1 announcement: Multilogin is now compatible with M1-chip macOS devices

2 min readAug 18, 2021


The day has come…

Today, we celebrate the release of the M1-chip compatible version of Multilogin for macOS devices.

What has changed and why?

For quite some time, Multilogin was incompatible on macOS devices with M1 chips. This was largely due to being created on a compiling technology that was not originally intended for M1. Furthermore, support for this technology was later discontinued. This meant that the compatibility issue was not solvable on its own.

Therefore, to maintain the stability and safety of our product while making this compatibility possible, there was only one choice: to essentially rewrite a core, sizeable backbone of the product from scratch.

The first step was to carefully examine and select the best combination of technologies to use. This meant several months of meticulous testing until we found the right working solution.

This was followed by additional months of stabilizing the solution so that all existing functionality and features would work with the new technology on the same level of stability and security as our current version.

With the goal of offering you, our users, the most robust and long-term solution possible, this could not be a hurried process, and we appreciate your patience.

Finally, the results are in: a solution that is compatible with M1-chip devices, while upholding the existing quality you expect from Multilogin.

What does it mean for you?

Firstly, Multilogin is now compatible with all M1-chip macOS devices.

Secondly, this has paved the way for numerous future stability improvements. With a changed and updated architecture that we have carefully selected, we are now also in a position to offer fixes to a number of solutions that have been previously unsolvable. We will have more on this in the near future, so please stay tuned for details.

We are delighted to have reached this major milestone, and to be able to fulfil one of our most popular user requests. We remain as always committed to providing you with a stable service and thank you for your trust!

You can download the M1-chip compatible version for your macOS devices here.




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