Sunsetting old versions (Multilogin 1 and 2, API v1)

3 min readNov 20, 2018

Multilogin is renown for stable work of older version of the application. However, there’s always a point when you need to let go of old things to make space for something new and exciting. This day is about to come for Multilogin 1.4.x and 2.x.

In this announcement we would like to inform you about our old version sunsetting schedule.

Sunsetting 1.4.x

The version 1.4.0 release has seen the light in July 2017 and the last version in the 1.4.x family tree became public in March 2018. We were keeping these versions working because some users preferred our old interface. Also, Selenium and API were most stable on these versions.

The release of Multilogin 3 solves the problem with Selenium and final API fixes are planned for November 2018. After they’re done, we will stop supporting the 1.4.x version tree. Users will have to upgrade to version 2.3.3 to continue using API v1 or update to version 3.x and move to one of subscription plans that supports API v2 (more on this later).

If you currently use any of those versions as a paid subscriber, our customer support team will get in touch with you to help with migration to an up-to-date version.

Sunsetting 2.x

Versions 2.1.4 to 2.3.3 are very stable and still used by thousands of users. Their main downside is the usage of our old browser fingerprint building component. Fingerprint Builder in versions 3.x utilizes a completely new mechanism and new gigantic databases of fingerprints, thus browser profiles perform better.

Why anyone wants to remain on the second version then? Because some users still have subscriptions that can access our older browsers Chromium and Firefox in the second version. For others, there’s no urgent need to migrate since everything works just fine on older versions.

We will soon start gradually disabling all versions of 2.x family except for the two most stable ones: 2.1.4 and 2.3.3. These two versions will persist until there are no users utilizing API v1.

API v1 replacement with API v2

API v2 is a new enhanced REST API that is incompatible with older versions of the software. API v2 is available in the Scale subscription plan as well as in the upcoming automation plans.

API v2 opens up a lot of new opportunities. The most important one is, of course, an access to our new Fingerprint Builder and its enormous database of fingerprints.

We plan to deprecate API v1 in the maximum span of 6 months.

Can’t migrate easily to Multilogin 3 or API v2?

Get in touch with us — We will be happy to look into your case and assist with the migration.

Download the latest version

Download Multilogin 3.0.3 Rise BETA for Windows and MacOS:

(Linux version is currently in testing, will be added soon)

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